Lately there are few friends of mine who asked me the same questions when they met me. The question doesn't just pop up when they saw me but instead in between of conversation and it kinda puzzled me cos it's like out of sudden why is the question out of topic? The question is "Where did you buy your clothes from?" and if I answered it's from online, then the next question would be "Which online shop?". Thus I'll recommend a list of few online shops which I buy from but the thing is I browse through hundreds of online shops and out of the hundred, you might only find 1-2 pieces from each shop or you may also find you're interested in every item they posted! Since there are so much out there, I would just recommend some which I think might suit your preference. So, in future I think maybe I'll try to snap a photo of my own fashion and mentioned where did I get those stuffs from.
Europe Itinerary - Cinque Terre - Day 4
9 years ago
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