Went to the dentist today for my "not" regular scaling. I think the last round I went was like 3-4 years ago. Am so afraid or paiseh that dentist might commented on my teeth but luckily it turned out very good. Dentist commented that my teeth are clean and I do not need to make a half yearly trip for scaling but instead a yearly trip. So happy to hear that!! But this 20 minutes scaling costs me RM95 which is so so damn expensive. The last round I was only paying RM65 if not mistaken. This reminds me of one of those trips to this dentist where I heard one of the mother talking to her son "Next time, I think you better take up dentistry cos this is earning a lot!". It's so funny when I heard the mother saying so but this RM95 made me have the same opinion too.
Europe Itinerary - Cinque Terre - Day 4
9 years ago
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