
Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day is just 2 days away and what have you got for your lovely daddy. Hmm..though my dad is not here anymore but I still remembered what he says about Father's Day. He once said that no one talked about Father's Day but everyone is talking about Mother's Day!! Lolx..he's kinda jealous though. Even though we could not be celebrating with dad again but he's still with us as always and we've been talking about him as if he's still around. So guys, take this opportunity to show your love to your dad while he's still around. Just to make sure you don't regret for not doing it at the moment he's not around. 

Here's something cool I found out from ChurpChurp and this could be one of the more loveliest gift to dad. Check this out! Personalise a shirt for ur Dad! But in a form of an Oreo T-Card!